If your business is like most others, you always look for ways to grow and expand. If that’s the case, it’s important to be ready when opportunities arise—and not just by being able to handle the extra workload. It’s also good to have an employee who can immediately step into a new role when necessary. Sometimes those employees already work with your company; others are new hires.
Either way, hiring someone new requires careful consideration and preparation on your part if it’s going to be successful! In this article, we will explain tips on how to hire a new employee to ensure that you find the right fit for your company and the position you’re hiring for.

1. Please start looking for them before you need someone.

Please don’t wait until you need someone before you start looking for them. Be sure to start looking for candidates before the last minute.
Be sure to begin your search before a position is vacant.
2. Look for candidates who can perform the specific job you need to be done.
The first step to hiring a new employee is to look for someone who can perform the specific duties of your job. Does this person have the required skills and experience? Are they familiar with the tasks you need them to complete daily, or are they willing and able to learn them? Will they fit into your culture and work well with others in your company? What qualities must they have for them to succeed in this position, as well as grow within it?
By answering these questions, you’ll be able to find out if there’s even a chance that someone will be able to do what you need them to do—and, if so, whether or not they might be right for your company.
Get in touch with the candidate’s former employers and co-workers.
It’s important to speak with the candidate’s former employers and co-workers. Ask for references from the candidate’s former employers, as well as references from the candidate’s co-workers. Ask for references from each of these groups:
- The candidate’s clients
- Vendors (such as printer repair people) who do business regularly with the candidate’s previous organization
Check up on the candidate’s education.

- Check up on the candidate’s education.
- Make sure they have a degree from a reputable university, and if possible, ensure it’s in the field you are hiring them for.
- Check their work history as well. Find out what kinds of responsibilities they were given at different companies and what results they achieved.
- Most importantly, check whether or not this person can do the job. Hiring someone overqualified or underqualified for your position is fine. It wastes everyone’s time and money. Confirm they have all the necessary skills before sending an offer letter.
Use online resources to check out potential employees’ references and portfolios.
It would help if you did your homework on a potential employee before you hired them. Use online tools to help you check out the candidate’s references and portfolio. Check out LinkedIn, Facebook and Instagram to see how they present themselves online. Look at their website and portfolio to see if it reflects their personality, interests and skills. Ask for references from past employers, former teachers or classmates (if applicable), people who have worked with the candidate in a volunteer capacity—anyone who can give insight into the type of worker they are likely to be for you.
Let your current staff know that you’re looking to fill a position.
Let your current employees know that you’re looking to fill a position. Ask them to look for potential candidates and help recruit people they know who might be interested. Of course, they’ll also want to help you find the best candidate for the job, so encourage them to speak up if they think someone would be a good fit.
Look for people who would fit in well with your company culture.
It’s important to watch for people who would fit well with your company culture. This includes asking about their interests and hobbies, how they like to work and be managed, and their career goals. You’ll also want to ensure that the candidate has personal goals similar to those of your other employees.
Put together a plan to fully utilize the new employee once they’ve joined your company.
- Create a job description. This will help you know what the employee should do and how to evaluate their performance.
- Train the employee. Your new hire will need to learn all of the ins and outs of your organization, so make sure they have everything they need to do their job effectively.
- Mentor them through their first few months on the job by providing regular feedback after completing each project or task. Help them identify areas where they need additional training or assistance with tasks too difficult for them at first (such as social media marketing).
- Establish standards for performance management, including a timeline for reviewing employees’ progress on monthly objectives when needed; in-person meetings after every six months so you can talk about what’s working well for everyone involved; etcetera). You should also ensure all managers follow these same policies, so no one gets left behind during this process!
Hire with intention, not on the fly when business demands it.
Hire with intention, not on the fly when business demands it.
You may have heard that you should hire for skills and experience, but this practice is outdated and detrimental to your organization. If you’re hiring on that basis alone, then you’re missing out on top talent who still needs to gain all the experience and training but has a great attitude and personality. In addition, you could be missing out on success stories like Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak (who didn’t graduate from college) or billionaire Mark Cuban (who dropped out of high school).
There are several reasons why hiring for skills and experience alone might not work:
- Your competitors will be able to find those same people with less effort than you did—which means they’ll likely poach them from your company first.
- The process takes too long since you won’t get many applications if word gets out about how selective the process is. People might even stop applying because they think their chances are slim! And if it’s been too long since someone applied? Then all those potential candidates might be gone anyway. So will their interest in working at any other company too.
Hiring is an important part of any business, and we hope these tips can help you take a more strategic approach. When you hire people who are right for the job, they’ll be able to impact your company immediately. And when you can find new employees who bring something different or unexpected into your organization, everyone wins!